506-457-2340  668 Brunswick St, Fredericton

Planifiez votre visite

Experience’s for everyone

Join us for hours or fun in the science center or a guided jailhouse tour.

General Admission

When you buy a general admission ticket at Science East you get access to the Science Centre, over 150 hands-on exhibits, the outdoor play area (although not in the winter months).

Adult ························································· $10
Senior(60+) ·············································· $8
Youth/Student········································· $6.50
(3-17 or with student ID)
Children under 3····································· FREE
(children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult)

Jail house tours

When you buy a Jailhouse Tour ticket at Science East you get a guided tour and history of the York County Gaol.

Adult ························································· $10
Senior(60+) ·············································· $8
Youth/Student········································· $6.50
(3-17 or with student ID)
Children under 3····································· FREE
(children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult)


New Brunswick teachers will be admitted free with presentation of their NBTA card (other non-teacher members of party must pay regular admission prices).

Military and CFB Gagetown Rec Members receive a 15% discount off the price of admission (with presentation of valid Military ID or Rec card).

CAA Members receive a 15% discount off the price of admission (with presentation of a valid CAA membership card).

Come and Explore Science East!

Book your experience, party or give us shout with your questions.

Contact US

668, rue Brunswick
Fredericton, NB
E3B 1H6

Winter Hours

Temporarily closed

Payment options

Payments are made in person at Science East.

We take cash, debit, VISA or MasterCard.


There is a small parking lot on the East side of the building. Additional metered and unmetered parking is available on nearby streets, and there are several parking garages nearby, including the Fredericton Convention Centre (access on King Street) and Kings Place Mall (access on Brunswick Street).

Group and School Visits

Susciter l’enthousiasme de votre groupe pour la science et la technologie avec le centre des sciences interactif du Nouveau-Brunswick! Science Est offre plus de 150 expositions interactives, ainsi que des ateliers et des programmes à thème de science – tous conçus pour répondre aux résultats d’apprentissage du curriculum des sciences du Nouveau-Brunswick. Venez à notre centre scientifique unique dans l’ancienne prison historique du comté de York, ou invitez nos éducateurs à venir à vous!

Contact us

Avec des tarifs de groupe abordables et une programmation créative, Science Est est là pour soutenir vos objectifs tout au long de l’année!

Tous les programmes et services sont disponibles dans les deux langues officielles.

14 + 14 =

La boutique de Science Est

La boutique de Science Est présente un étalage éblouissant d’objets pour achat. Tous les items sont à un prix attrayant et font un excellent cadeau. Venez donc à la boutique après le Marché des fermiers le samedi matin (nous sommes situés dans l’ancienne prison qui longe le marché) ou lors de nos heures d’ouverture afin de jeter un coup d’oeil sur tout notre inventaire – vous serez surpris!